OECD procurement moves to Prospeum procurement portal

Message from the Corporate Procurement Group of the OECD

Dear Suppliers,

Starting on 1 September 2023, the OECD will be moving to Prospeum (https://dashboard.prospeum.com/#/login/onboarding/oecd) as its new official procurement portal. From this date, all our calls for tenders will be published and managed on this platform only.

Suppliers can already use this online portal to access procurement processes, submit bids, communicate with the Corporate Procurement Group, and be informed of all upcoming and relevant OECD procurement activity.

If you are interested in collaborating with the OECD, please register (https://dashboard.prospeum.com/#/login/onboarding/oecd) on the new platform. A tutorial (https://prospeum.zendesk.com/hc/en-us) is available for your information.

In case of any technical difficulties accessing the platform, please use the ticket form on https://prospeum.zendesk.com/hc/en-us or call to the switch board at +49 711 925379 33.

Your requests will be forwarded to an English or French speaking support staff.

The OECD Corporate Procurement Group

sur le portail Achats
de l'OCDE

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